October 10, 2010 – Believe and Receive

Have you ever thought that turning to believe in Jesus would bring you times of refreshing? Have you ever believed that if you just get down on your knees and pray that it was an invitation to God to come into your life and make a difference? Can you imagine turning to God and knowing God is such a positive thing it overcomes every disappointment, hurt, and negative thing that has happened to you?

Peter preached to churchgoers after the cripple man was healed. He said, “You’ve turned your back on God’s Savior, Jesus Christ, but if you will turn back towards Him, you will receive miraculous refreshment. And it’s all “up” from there, because the best is yet to come. Churchgoers often forget these benefits. Have you forgotten Jesus? Turn back today; believe and receive GREAT things. This week’s lesson is full of wonderful news.

Read Acts 3:17-26, along with Deuteronomy 18:15-19, Exodus 19:5-8, Genesis 22:15-18

READ THE SERMON:  Believe and Receive


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