November 6, 2011 – God’s Love, Sealed by a Rainbow with Special Music by Jessica and Steve Bayless

Dorothy sings “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.” She was looking for a place which would be free from trouble. She knew it wasn’t where she lived, where “old Miss Gulch” was upset with her dog, Toto, and desired to take him away. Dorothy said, “It’s not someplace you get to by boat or train . . . it’s beyond the moon and beyond the rain . . .”

God desires that we find that place, too, and so God promises it is there. God’s sign of the promise is the rainbow; a perpetual sign which has reminded us of God’s promises throughout earth’s history. This Sunday JESSICA BAYLESS and her grandfather, STEVE sing a medley of Somewhere Over the Rainbow and It’s a Wonderful World to celebrate God’s promise. Have you embraced the promise? Come Sunday at 10:30. DON’T FORGET TO “FALL BACK” ONE HOUR.

Read Genesis 9:8-17 and John 3:13-21

READ THE SERMON:  God’s Love, Sealed by a Rainbow


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