November 21, 2010 – The Holy Spirit: A Gift Given

The devil thought he was going to wipe out Christianity with one fell swoop, the murder of Stephen. But instead, that event worked to spread the message about Jesus Christ to the surrounding regions. The disciples left dangerous Jerusalem but they didn’t run for their lives. They continued their mission of going into the world healing and casting out demons and proclaiming the way to God. And God reversed their circumstance so that many people turned to Christ.

When we come to Christ, it’s come as you are. A sorcerer named Simon responded to the message and became a believer. Because he had been into magic, he brought a lot of baggage and so he had to learn this new way. No longer could ambition, prestige. and money be the center of his life. God called him (and calls us) to instead be open handed and give, knowing that God is completely trustworthy to take care of us. That’s the Christian worldview. It’s full of miracles. Join us for more discussion on Sunday.

READ: Acts 8:9-25, Deuteronomy 18:9-15, Ezekiel 11:19-21

READ THE SERMON:  The Holy Spirit’s Work: A Gift Given, Not a Craft Performed


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