November 20, 2011 – Scattered to Become Unified

You make plans. I make plans, we all make plans. There are a whole slew of reasons why some plans fail and others succeed. We tend to focus on logistics. Do we have the resources? Are we unified? What are the unknowns? What are the variable costs and fixed costs….did we execute? These questions linger with us but what if there are deeper issues behind our plans?

This Sunday we’re going to explore the deeper issues behind our plans by refreshing ourselves with an ancient story about an ancient tower. You may be familiar with the tower of Babel but you probably aren’t familiar with the tower of Babel built in 2011. We’re hoping to deconstruct the 2011 tower this Sunday. Join us as Jim and Janet Stahl will kick us into gear with their wonderful story telling and as always the choir will take us to the throne through music and singing!

Also, later that night we’ll be having Thanksgiving dinner together! Fellowship & Food 2 vital signs of Christian life.

Annual Thanksgiving Dinner
Sunday, November 20
6:00 pm

Please sign up to bring two of the following: salad, vegetable, dessert.
The sign up sheet is in the church entryway.

Please read Genesis 11:1-9 in preparation!


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