MOVIE NIGHT at the First Presbyterian Church of Duncanville

Saturday, January 16
7:00 pm
“The Second Chance”

Nursery will be available for children ages 0-3. Popcorn & Drinks will be provided!!!
And as always, invite your friends & neighbors .

Please join us for worship Sunday mornings at 10:30 am!

FPCD is excited to offer the powerful film, The Second Chance. Please join us as we watch singer, Michael W. Smith, portray a pastor who learns the lesson of James 1 – to be a doer of the Word not just a hearer. This movie challenges us to live what we believe as we see Smith portraying a pastor from a successful mega-church learn the true meaning of reaching out to all of his brothers when he assists in an inner city church.

Click below to watch a trailer.

The Second Chance


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