May 8, 2009 – Special Storytelling of the Good Samaritan Parable by Mary Huttar

Parables seem to teach a straightforward lesson, however, you can be certain each parable has a deeper meaning that must be reached through connection with Jesus. The lawyer in this Sunday’s story of The Good Samaritan asks Jesus a simple question about his duty to his neighbor. Jesus challenges him with a story of love in action; an extravagant act. But how do we love someone we don’t even know?

Jesus brings the heart of God to us in his teachings. We no longer see Scripture as simple ethical teaching but as radical, life-changing stuff that affects every relationship and opens wide our love relationship with God.

To prepare for the message, read Luke 10:25-37 and ponder this question:

  • If you were in the ditch, how would you explain what love your neighbor means?

READ THE SERMON:  Mr. Rogers Had It Right. Won’t You Be My Neighbor?


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