May 30, 2010 – Step by Step God Gives Us Victory

Memorial Day activities honor great sacrifice; therefore its celebration is bittersweet. Sacrifice for anything brings both joy and pain. This week in our study of Exodus God prepares Israel to receive the second half of the promise. They would eventually move into the settlement God had in mind for them. But, it was to be accomplished little by little, and with an attitude of attentiveness to God’s words, and following God’s directions exactly.

God has plans for all of us, to help us live into our potential and to heal us in a variety of ways where we need it. Following God’s plans is really a joyful process, although it comes with a cost. But like others have paid the price for our freedom, the cost of following God is well worth it. Let’s talk about it this Sunday. The children are playing handbells, and you will hear a great storyteller, Janet Stahl. See you Sunday at 10:30!

READ THE SERMON: Step by Step God Gives Us Victory

AUDIO NOTE: During the sermon today, the batteries gave out on Pastor Ginger’s mic, so you’ll notice that the sounds is not so good for the last third of the recording.


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