May 29, 2011 – Religion that Has No Cost is a Waste of Time!

This weekend we celebrate as a nation those who died for our country. We remember our neighbors, friends, family members, and our ancestors for their sacrifice and we honor their commitment. They gave their lives because they believed in freedom and were committed to defending it.

Do you believe in a personal God who loves you, heals you, and is willing to open your heart to the truth? If so, don’t be afraid of the cost of standing for what you believe. Sunday we honor Paul and the first apostles who stood, many at the cost of their lives, and testified to Jesus Christ. We are here today as a church because of their defense of the gospel. It’s a wonderful story of courage. Come join in the celebration!

READ Acts 28:16-31 and Psalm 124:1-8

READ THE SERMON: Religion that Has No Cost is a Waste of Time!


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