May 15, 2011 – Nothing Can Divert God’s Plans

Do you ever feel like your life is out of control? Do you wonder where is God in this? You might have a real sense of call to do something for God. Actually we all have the call to be a witness to this wonderful, amazing Savior, Jesus Christ. But, you find yourself in unexplainably difficult circumstances.

That’s how it was for Paul. He spoke up for Christ, and life-threatening riots kept breaking out. But unbeknownst to Paul, God was doing something incredible. What looked terrible turned out to be God’s way of opening doors of major blessing. God makes life exciting! But it’s not for those who want to “play it safe.” We’ll talk about it Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

To prepare read Acts 23:12-24 and Isaiah 55:4-11

Read the Sermon:  Nothing Can Divert God’s Plans!


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