March 6, 2011 – God Gives Great Gifts!

Please forward to the 40:17 minute mark on your player in order to hear the sermon only.

Thirsty, need a drink? Hungry, would you like a big, spicy barbecue sandwich or perhaps a taco? (We are in Texas!) Do you need some refreshment, some food for your soul? Would you like some direction for your day – some adventurous guidance? How about having more faith and being more confident in God?

Those questions reflect needs and desires which most people have. Now for the hard question: Do you see church as the place where you receive these benefits? We often see church as requiring something of us, as a place of “trying harder.” True, we commit ourselves, but there is so much more. Jesus talks about the Christian faith as quenching thirst; feeding us; having an exciting call; and seeing God. Would you like to be filled? Join us as we talk about being filled with the Holy Spirit. Sunday at 10:30. Communion is celebrated. Come and be fed.

READ Acts 18:24-26, Acts 19:1-7, and Joel 2:12-13, 28-29



2 responses to “March 6, 2011 – God Gives Great Gifts!”

  1. John Hartley Avatar
    John Hartley

    Dear Everyone,

    A big thank-you to Ginger for mentioning me yesterday as the hymnwriter and giving me a wave on the live feed – indeed I was sitting in my study watching the service live – and it was very affirming. I thought the choir had sung the hymn very well, and Steve had done his usual excellent job of arranging it, improving the melody and harmony a little bit (his tenor line for the end of the verse is much better than my original) and writing the bridging passages for the piano to surround the verses. I’m very much looking forward to meeting Ginger when she comes to England.

    And she’s right in what she says. The Holy Spirit is not an optional add-on in our Christian lives. He is the power we need to live lives in the service of Christ. Yorkshire is hilly and outside our church the Harrogate road goes northeast a mile down a long hill. If you start your car rolling down it and turn off the engine, you’ll soon find out how much you need the servo-mechanism that operates the brakes! Without the power of the engine, the human foot hasn’t the strength to stop the car running out of control. And likewise without the Holy Spirit in our lives we haven’t the power to stop ourselves running into sin. Let’s welcome Him in.

    Yours in Christ – JOHN HARTLEY.

  2. Hi, John,

    I am one of the basses in our choir, the tall one, anyway we need to connect to your church. We have created a Facebook page please join us to witness to people all over the world. Thank you for sharing your talents with us. I hope some day we can meet in person.

    Just Google First Presbyterian Church Duncanville, TX members post video’s of Christian music to spread the word of God by music.

    Herschel Everett

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