June 6, 2010 – God Says Celebrate!

Let’s have a party! Usually when that call is issued, there’s no shortage of folks who respond. This Sunday brings the revelation that God calls His children to party. God even commands us to celebrate. What fun! Who would have ever thought?

Now these parties, or festivals as the Bible calls them, have been going on a long time – over 3,000 years. The Bible records that Jesus went to one as a 12-year-old. Our storyteller this week, DUB GUTHRIE, will tell us the story. Do you see the Christian faith as something to celebrate? Perhaps we should consider that because celebrations are all about accomplishments; they help us to remember God’s great faithfulness and power over the centuries.

In the meantime, all of us in this nation need to cry out to God to help stop this oil spill. So LET’S PRAY. God knows what to do. Let’s seek God’s direction, and perhaps God will show us God’s magnificent presence and power in helping us in our hour of need.

PREPARE  BY READING: Exodus 23:14-19, Luke 2:41-51

READ THE SERMON: God Says Celebrate!


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