June 28, 2009 – Our Problems Are Never Too Big for God

Have you ever seen the aftermath from an enemy attack? We certainly have in this nation. Nehemiah arrives in Jerusalem, faced with the reality of the destruction and devastation for the first time. Not wanting to draw attention to himself, he set about investigating the work he felt called by God to do.

Although he took a few men with him, he was intent upon secrecy during this initial assessment of the problem. I would imagine as he rode around the city in the middle of the night, he reviewed all those prayers he had made before, thinking of what God had put in his heart to do. Was this some crazy idea that he felt himself? Or was God truly putting this dream in his head? Could God use a lay person like himself to restore the honor of this city?

To prepare for Sunday read Nehemiah 2: 11-20

Questions to ask: What captures your passion when you pray? Could it possibly be a call God has placed before you?

READ THE SERMON:  Our Problems Are Never Too Big for God


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