June 27, 2010 – Seeing God

How well do you know someone? Think of your friends. Who would you call on to help you in a pinch? What if you had a serious problem. Who would you call on? That probably depends on how well you know the person and that person’s position of authority and expertise.

The people of Israel had gotten themselves into a serious problem. Although they were headed to the Promised Land, God had decided not to go with them. Moses, as leader, didn’t know where to turn. One thing he did know was that he could not do the job without God. So he turned right to God and threw the problem into God’s lap. And God did something amazing.

Who do you turn to with your problems? If you turn to God, God might do something utterly amazing for you too. Join us Sunday and we’ll discover it together. 10:30 sharp. See you there!

To prepare read Exodus 33:12-23 and Exodus 34:1-9



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