JULY 5, 2009 – OUR GOD WILL FIGHT FOR US! Nehemiah Series

The believer’s life certainly includes opposition. Take a look at any Bible character and you will see that it is so. Moses, Elijah, David, Paul, Peter − you name them − all had many instances where either people or circumstances came against them. The women of the Bible were no exception. Hannah, Sarah, and Mary dealt with agonizing situations.

It wasn’t long into the rebuilding of the wall that opponents came against Nehemiah and the people, threatening the project and even their lives. But Nehemiah did not crumble; he relied on God. Prayer led him to be resourceful, and trust that God would get them through it.

Opposition works to make us strong. It tests and strengthens perseverance. It internalizes our faith. Nothing great is ever accomplished without it. Let’s see how God worked it out for Nehemiah and the people of God. READ Nehemiah 4

To prepare ask yourself:

  • What opposition am I experiencing, and what might God want me to learn from it?

READ THE SERMON: Our God Will Fight For Us!


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