July 4, 2010 – The Joy of Completing God’s Work

Happy 4th of July! Let’s Celebrate! This Sunday the whole church gathers for breakfast at 9:15 am to celebrate all the renovations that have been done at the church and to hear plans to complete the work. Folks at FPCD have been hard at work and it shows. Then, during worship at 10:30, the choir, under the direction of Andrew Dittman, will present two special anthems, “He Reigns,” arranged by Steve Bayless, and “America Medley” a patriotic benediction arranged by Andrew. It’s going to be a great day!

Independence Day is not only an opportunity for celebration but also for reflection. We will reflect on Exodus 40, and what it means for Moses and the people of Israel to finish the work of building the sanctuary. God took the generous, devoted work of the people and inhabited it with God’s own presence. The people never again had to wonder, “Is God with us or not?” God was with them, and God is with us in the same way. Come and connect with God. It’s worth celebrating.

SERMON TEXT: Exodus 39:32-33, Exodus 40:16-38, Rev 21:1-7

READ THE SERMON:  The Joy of Completing God’s Work


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