Think about taking a road journey to a spectacular place – Grand Teton National Park would be one. But you better go there after April 30 if you intend to drive. Before that you won’t get in! Then, you’ll need to make reservations or you might find yourself unable to stay there. Journeys are great, but success depends on knowing the destination and considering the means and the cost to get there.


Jesus tells His disciples (and us!) about His final destination, and He says He’s planning our very own reservation. It’s to a spectacular place (the Bible gives us quite a vivid brochure). But, we must plan ahead and use the right means to get there. The disciples were confused by this, and we often are, too. They thought Jesus came simply to teach about God. But He said, no, I am THE WAY to a spectacular future. Well, there’s more, but you will have to come to worship on Sunday to hear the rest! Come experience it. The choir’s anthem, arranged by Andrew Dittman, is a special treat.

Scripture: John 14:1-11 and 2 Samuel 7:18-28

READ THE SERMON:  God’s Sure and Certain Plan For Us

Sermon Starts at the 30 minute mark approximately!


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