July 24, 2011 – Harmonizing Our Words and Actions

This week FPCD Youth and Pastor STEVE NETNISS, along with Pastor TOM WYLIE and youth from First Presbyterian Church Idaho Falls have been on a mission trip in downtown Dallas through First Presbyterian Church. They have been putting their feet to action in ministering to children and adults who have need. This is something Presbyterians do, and have always done. It goes back a long way – all the way to Bible times.

James said to New Testament believers, “Faith without works is dead.” He pointed out that the good deeds of faith include generosity toward others in need; obedience to God; and throwing all your chips in and taking a risk with God. These are exciting ways to live – life is never boring with God! Come join us and let us worship God!

READ James 2:14-26 and Joshua 2:1-14

READ THE SERMON:  Harmonizing Our Words and Actions

VIDEO:  Sermon begins at the 30 Minute mark!


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