July 17, 2011 – God’s Part in the Deal

GRACE – We say grace at meals; someone beautiful “graces” the room; to be in someone’s “good graces” is to live in their goodwill and favor. The definitions of grace go on and on. Pleasing and charming, like an elegant dance grace makes life lovely.

Grace is also a religious word. God shows grace toward us. When it comes to God’s grace, it’s all about an unexpected gift. Jesus was full of grace – always willing to heal; feed; forgive, and point us toward heaven. Have you experienced His gifts? His grace is tireless. Have you received it? No matter who you are or what you have done, God generously offers you His grace. That is the wonderful topic of discussion this Sunday. Come join us and EXPERIENCE GRACE.

Tom Wylie and his youth from Idaho Falls join our youth and Pastor Steve Netniss for a mission trip this week. We commission them Sunday. See you then!

READ:  Ephesians 2:1-10 and Isaiah 49:8-16

READ THE SERMON: God’s Part in the Deal



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