January 22, 2012 – Defeating Satan and Other Demons

In 2011, The Barna Group released findings that only 43% of Americans believe in a devil. Yet famous Christians believe Satan exists. Pope John Paul said, “He who does not believe in the devil does not believe in the Gospel.” And, C. S. Lewis wrote an entire book on how Satan tempts the human race. Screwtape Letters was so popular it brought him instant fame.

The Bible tells numerous stories of how people have been tempted by Satan. Mark tells us Jesus was tempted too. But the difference is that Jesus overcame Satan each and every time He encountered him, and cast him out soundly. Do you struggle with temptation? Perhaps you will find Sunday’s message very useful as we talk about Satan’s strategies and how to overcome them. The choir sings “Shut de Dó.” You are going to love it. See you at 10:30!

Read Mark 1:12-13, 21-28, 32-34 and Isaiah 65:17-25

Read the Sermon:  Defeating Satan and Other Demons


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