January 15, 2012 – Heaven’s Blessings: The Holy Spirit

Have you ever committed to something wholeheartedly? Has something captured your focus? Athletes aspire to win and train themselves accordingly. Actors hone their trade. Business owners devote themselves to making a profit. Those are all worthy goals.


Have you ever thought about being accomplished spiritually? Have you had a desire to know God and experience God’s blessing? The prophet Isaiah said, “O God, that you would tear open the heavens and come down, and make the mountains shake.” God did just that when Jesus began His work on earth. It was amazing to see the Holy Spirit present and hear God’s voice. Do you long to hear God’s voice? It points to an amazing Person. Let’s talk about Him on Sunday. 10:30. See you then!

READ Mark 1:7-11, Isaiah 61:1-3, 6-7; 64:1-4

Read the Sermon:  Heaven’s Blessings: The Holy Spirit



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