Free Movie Night – Saturday, November 7

Saturday, November 7 at 6:30, First Presbyterian Church of Duncanville will present “Flywheel” by the producers of “Facing the Giants”. It is about an unscrupulous used-car salesman who becomes disgusted with his lies and manipulations. He sets out to live an honest life of love and faith for his wife, his son and his community and never looks back. This movie tells a positive, upbeat story and one reviewer wrote “we need more movies like this”. We will serve free popcorn and lemonade. A nursery will be available and the younger kids and youth will watch age appropriate videos.

First Presbyterian Church of Duncanville is located at 543 East Freeman in Duncanville, Texas 75116, across from Reed Middle School. Please contact us with any questions at 972-298-3043 or visit our website at


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