February 28, 2010 – Look Out! Here Come the Frogs: God’s Second Strike

God answers prayer. Pharaoh was about to learn that fact. But at present, Pharaoh thought of himself as in charge of things and people. This week as we study Exodus, the divine plague sent was frogs. One of the Egyptian gods was Heget, a frog, goddess of fertility. Boy does God have a sense of humor as millions of frogs appeared everywhere, in their houses, in their bedrooms, even in their pots and pans. Fertility abounded!

What do we do when we lose control, when overwhelming circumstances come? We pray. So Pharaoh asked for prayer and God answered. Do you see God as your source when you have a need? I hope so, because prayer can open the door to knowing God in a close and intimate way. Come to the service Sunday and we’ll discover how. Read Exodus 8:1-15 to prepare.

READ THE SERMON: Look Out! Here Come the Frogs: God’s Second Strike


One response to “February 28, 2010 – Look Out! Here Come the Frogs: God’s Second Strike”

  1. What do we do when we lose control, when overwhelming circumstances come? We pray.

    In 2008 our business was in its first down turn. I have never experience this since we open in 2003. Business was growing after year, but what a surprise in 2008 the economy going down, people losing there jobs, business were going out of business. I started doubting my business plan, maybe times as changed. I didn’t know what to do; I didn’t know if I could even find a job at my age. I worried about my family, how was I going to help with the business at a stand still. I prayed everyday asking God to help me. I even went to my wife Brenda asked for help. She said, God will get us through this. He promises and so do I. I love you.

    After reading the note she gave me, I wept, asking God to forgive me for doubting him. The next morning I felt this warming feeling over me, like God put his arms around me and said, Get out of bed and serve me! I started doing things for our church. I didn’t worry anymore as long I was severing God that is all that matters.

    Our little online store is God’s store I am just running it for him!

    Business started picking back up in 2009 and had the best December ever.

    Serve God and good things will follow!


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