December 6, 2009 – CHRISTMAS CANTATA

I Hear the Prophet Callin’

by Pepper Choplin

Presented by the choir under the direction of Choir Director Steve Bayless

Join us for this special musical presentation on December 6 at 10:30 a.m. Mr. Choplin believes the Christmas story should be told in a fresh way. Using a variety of folk styles to celebrate the story, the music and narration are authentic and “earthy.” This production complements a variety of dramatic and musical presentations this Advent season which communicates the story from Isaiah’s prophecies to Christ’s birth to 21st century people.

  • December 13th – Presentation of  “God Doesn’t Need a Plan B” by Karen Carson
  • December 20th – Children’s Musical, “Starry Night, Noisy Night”
  • December 24th – Christmas Eve service, 7p.m.


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