December 11, 2011 – CHRISTMAS CHOIR CONCERT, 4:00 pm

FPCD Choir, directed by Andrew Dittman, tells God’s story as God sends us Jesus, planned from the beginning of time.

“. . . and the Word Became Flesh” tells the story in song and story of God’s gift to us. Hear how God gave wonderful signs to one person and another to point us to  this magnificent gift, which is just for us. Have you received the Gift? Come and receive our gift of music and story this Christmas, and celebrate the amazing miracle.

A lovely POTLUCK Reception will follow, with international food.

In addition, Sunday morning at 10:30 am the choir sings the “MAGNIFICAT.” We will talk about Mary, the humble young woman who spoke the words contained in that beautiful song after she received God’s greatest gift. Join us for these events and receive God’s gift to you this season!

Read Luke 1:26-38, 46-55 and Isaiah 43:1-7

READ THE SERMON:  Receiving God’s Gifts


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