Category: Sermons

  • 9/3/17 Everlasting Love

    Happy Labor Day weekend everyone! Amidst all your plans with friends and family anticipating an extra long weekend, we hope you will take the time Sunday morning to join us at FPCD for Sunday School at 9:15 and Worship at 10:30. This Sunday, September 3, we will hear a message from our very own Jeff…

  • 8/27/17 – The Return of the King

    Join us this Sunday, Aug. 27 for Sunday School at 9:15 am followed by Worship at 10:30. During the service, the youth will be doing a skit on the Parable of the Wise & Foolish Virgins and Youth Director Ross Shipman will be sharing a message called “The Return of the King” based on the…

  • 8/20/17 – Faith Matters

    How much time do you spend listening to others? Have you ever sat down with someone you do not know to hear their story? What if you went with someone whose life had been lived in an area quite unlike your own and simply observed?  Can you imagine being enriched beyond words by the things…

  • 8/13/17 – How Your Love for God Affects Others

    Is there anyone you feel hopeless about? Is there anyone who has disappointed you deeply? Is there someone you have given up on? Today I bring you good news. There is hope! We learn of it in one of the shortest books of the Bible, Philemon. Join me as we look inside a very personal…

  • 8/6/17 – “A Purpose Filled Life”

    As usual, our Sunday School classes for all ages will meet this Sunday at 9:15 am, followed by worship at 10:30 am. This Sunday, while Pastor Ginger is on vacation, hear a message from Jeff Thorpe on 1 Thessalonians 5:12-24 called “The Purpose Filled Life.” You will also have the opportunity of seeing Linda Simons…

  • 7/23/17 – Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, It’s Off to Work I Go

    Did you ever have a mentor, pastor, parent, or friend who was blatantly honest with you about something? Someone who was straightforward and honest, such that you listened? To listen to unsolicited advice is often hard! But if it comes from someone who you trust, who loves you, respects you, and wants the best for…

  • 7/16/17 – God’s Enemy: an “R-Rated” Sermon with a “G-Rated” Outcome

    You have likely heard of “end-of-the-world” predictions; one as recent as 2015.  And if that is not enough, at least ten post apocalyptic movies were produced for 2016-2017–most, “R” rated. Actually, there was an “end-of-the-world” prediction at the time Thessalonians was written–and the church was shaken! Paul calms them (and us!): “Don’t be alarmed by…

  • Answering Your Questions from Sunday

    Good Morning Church Family! On Sunday, Pastor Ginger preached on the grace and wrath of God and asked you to respond in a couple of specific ways: to memorize Romans 12:19-21 and also to write down any questions you have from studying Thessalonians these last several weeks. I am including the verses in this post…

  • 7/9/17 – The Grace and the Wrath of God

    Paul’s beautiful picture of the resurrection when Jesus returns evidently raised some questions. So Paul wrote a second letter to the Thessalonians, which we begin this week. The people in Thessalonica suffered persecution from those who were hostile toward Christianity. Paul encouraged them to endure because it gives evidence that their faith is real. God…

  • 7/2/17 – Have Confidence in Christ’s Return

    If you could ask Jesus questions about your life on earth, what would you ask? What would give you the greatest confidence in your faith? Would you ask about why bad things happen to good people? Would you ask what you will be doing in ten years? What would you want to know? The Thessalonians…