August 15, 2010 – Abiding in Christ

“First Things First” Series

This summer the congregation gathered on Wednesday nights for “The Conversation,” in which we listened to Scripture to hear God’s voice. The next four weeks we will talk about what we heard during our conversations. This week’s topic is Abiding in Christ.

What in the world is that, you might say. Sounds like something a monk would do. Does that mean I have to become some sort of a religious fanatic? Not exactly! But it certainly has a little different focus than the average American lifestyle.

Jesus desires, and even insists, that we live in close connection to Him, sharing our life with him while drawing upon his life. It’s symbiotic and collaborative. Abiding (not rule-keeping) shapes us, fosters spiritual growth, and promises greater fruitfulness. Abiding opens the door to receiving God’s gift of answered prayer.

Do you want to learn more? We are a church that seeks God and asks questions. Seeking God is worth the time! Join us. To prepare read John 15:4-16. After the service we’ll celebrate our new youth pastor with a reception. ALL ARE INVITED.


READ THE SERMON: Abiding In Christ


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