August 14, 2011 – Growing Up to Full Maturity

Lifestyle is an important thing. What influences, or even shapes yours?

  • A popular magazine?
  • The type of music you listen to?
  • Your job or sport or club at school?
  • Your church? Your Bible?

These days the church as a “shaper” gets a pretty bad rap. Yet Jesus says He gives us skills and gifts so that we can bless one another and build one another up. He says being together regularly makes us more stable, solid, and united, even in our diversity. Come to church Sunday. Let it shape your life. Come and be blessed!

Read Ephesians 4:11-16 and Deuteronomy 10:12-22

CONGREGATIONAL MEETING AUGUST 14, 11:40 am to elect new elders and adopt congregational procedures.

READ THE SERMON: Growing Up to Full Maturity


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