April 25, 2010 – Storyteller Janet Stahl tells Exodus 16

Faith often ebbs and flows. One day we soar with faith – God can do anything! The next day we wonder if we know God at all. That’s the human struggle, but God desires to help us be more sure of God’s presence and provision. So God gives us tests to build our faith and increase our confidence.

After one week in the desert the children of Israel panicked when water wasn’t available, but they listened, prayed, and obeyed, and God led them to an abundant oasis. A month passed and panic set in again, but again God graciously met their needs. A test comes. God is adamant. They must learn to listen carefully and do exactly as instructed. Do you take the time to listen to God? It happens through prayer, worship, and reading the Bible. God will speak when you listen, and you will find your faith grows. It’s worth it. Practice by reading Exodus 16; then come hear Janet. It will be great. See you there!

READ THE SERMON: Passing God’s Test


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