9/15/19 – No One is Righteous; How Will I Pardon Them?

We are studying the prophet Jeremiah, using Eugene Peterson’s book, Run with the Horses. The second part of the book title is “The Quest for Life at its Best.” Who doesn’t want life at its best? Jeremiah has to speak the hard truth for how we gain just that. This week’s passage is a dose of hard truth, but in the midst of that is a nugget of gold which I can’t wait to share with you. Join us at 9:15 for Sunday School and 10:30 for worship.

The choir is going to sing “Worthy Is the Lamb that was Slain” from Handel’s Messiah. We are very blessed with their hard work under Director Nyadia Thorpe. Sunday is also “3rd Sunday Potluck.” Bring a dish to share and let’s fellowship after worship. I can’t wait to see you!

READ: Jeremiah 5:1-9 and Philippians 2:2-11

READ the MESSAGE:  No One is Righteous; How Will I Pardon Them?


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