9/13/20 – Why Get Married?

Now if you are reading this and marriage is not your topic of interest right now, DON’T STOP READING!! We still have a message for you this Sunday! Marriage is an invention by God, but you might be surprised to find that God’s advice about marriage is actually advice based on your and God’s relationship. And, if you are thinking about relationships and possibly marriage, God has excellent advice! SO DON’T FORGET to tune in on Sunday as Pastor Ginger leads us further into the study of Tim Keller’s book, The Meaning of Marriage.

Jennifer Johnson sings a solo of “Forever” by Ben Harper. The Basics Sunday School class meets in the Children’s wing. I can’t wait to see you!

READ:  Malachi 2:14-16 and Matthew 19:3-9        

READ the MESSAGE:  Why Get Married?


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