9/11/22 – In These Trying Times

Sunday is September 11th. Sunday is the twenty-first anniversary of the terrorist attacks on America and on American lifestyle. Two days after that event, a worker who was volunteering to help clean up the area had just helped pull three bodies out of the rubble. All the workers had been praying to God. Show us where you are in this pit. Show us how you are going to redeem this pit. The man looked down into this tunnel and saw a huge cross of steel beams stretched out, beams that were from different structures but had been melded together by the intense heat. See how the Lord answered their prayers with this cross. See how God is there when things happen in your life that cannot be changed.

IT IS YOUTH SUNDAY so come and enjoy our children’s Cajon ministry. Sunday School at 9:15 for all ages, and Lemonade on the Lawn following 10:30 worship. I can’t wait to see you!

READ: Matthew 16:13-23 and Genesis 3:1-11

READ the MESSAGE:  In These Trying Times


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