8/4/19 – All Hands on Deck

Welcome to August! Every Sunday this month, our youth and children will gather in the courtyard during the Sunday School hour (9:15-10:15 AM) for donuts and games, followed by worship and Bible study in the Sanctuary. Encourage your kids to invite their friends to Sunday’s Kool, a new spin on Sunday School.

Also this month, our choir is taking a much deserved break from singing. In their place you will get to hear various youth and church members sharing their singing talents through various special music numbers. This Sunday, the youth are helping to lead the Anthem, “Do it Again” and Jason, Manny, and Ross are helping to lead the song “My God.” Come out to show your support!

We will hear a message this Sunday from Minister Jeff Thorpe, who will be preaching on unity in the church on 1 Corinthians 12:14-26. What does it mean that we are all members of the body of Christ? How does this play out in our daily lives? Come see what Jeff has to share.

As always, join us for Sunday School classes at 9:15 followed by Sunday Worship at 10:30!

In preparation for Sunday, READ: 1 Corinthians 12:14-26.

See you there!



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