SESSION 10 – Victory or Judgment: It’s Your Choice!

This week concludes our study on Nehemiah. We see the triumph of the people who together as one revitalized their city. They expressed their joy in a mass parade with two bands and two large choirs which marched around the wall of the city to the temple where they praised God.

These were people who had trusted God and persevered through thick and thin, and God helped them accomplish something great. But there was also a faction of people who resisted the work; who even worked against it; whose desire was to tear down, not build up. The Bible does not hide reality–every culture at one time or another has to determine who they are and what kind of people they are going to be.

READ: Nehemiah 12:27-43 and Romans 15:5-13

READ the SERMON:  Victory or Judgment: It’s Your Choice!


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