7/24/22 – A Beautiful Picture of Grace

When you think of grace what do you think of? Grace Kelly? Saying grace before dinner? A graceful woman? Jesus, full of grace and truth? While many people know about God’s grace, we are not so sure when God exercises such grace toward us! What does it take to merit it?

The apostle Paul had quite an experience when he met Jesus face-to-face. He had been less than kind to Jesus’ followers. What would be the outcome? That is what we will talk about in worship on Sunday. Sunday School classes happen at 9:15, with the Worship Service following at 10:30. Join us as we ordain and install two new elders, Roy Watson and Jimmy Cordova. Please come support these two fine men as they step into this leadership role! Let’s celebrate afterward with Lemonade on the Lawn. I can’t wait to see you!

READ: Acts 26 

READ THE MESSAGE:  A Beautiful Picture of Grace


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