7/21/2024 – “Laugh Out Loud”

Good morning, church family! This Sunday is a special day as we gather for Holy Humor Sunday. Get ready to lighten your hearts and lift your spirits with Pastor Rachael’s sermon, “Laugh Out Loud,” from our refreshing series, “The Great Church Chill Out.” Drawing from Proverbs 17:22, “A cheerful heart is good medicine,” and Psalm 126:1-3, where joy and laughter overflow, Pastor Rachael will remind us of the divine gift of laughter. Let’s embrace the joy of the Lord and celebrate the healing power of a good laugh together. Prepare to be uplifted and inspired!

Coming Up Soon:
9AM – 12 PM on July 20: New Music Reading
4 PM on July 21: Pastor Rachael’s Installation
7 PM on July 24: Summer Hymn Choir’s first practice!


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