7/1/18 – Why is Jesus the Way, the Truth, and the Life?

You may have heard someone say that believing in Jesus is the way to heaven. Some people wonder why is Jesus so special? What makes Jesus unique? Why do some people believe he is the only way to heaven? Aren’t there other ways to heaven, too? Those are good questions and ones worthy of study. Christians might answer, he died for our sins. Yes, that is part of the story of salvation in the Bible. But, what is it that made his extraordinary act of sacrificial love give people the ability to go to heaven? Is there more to the story?

This Sunday we will talk about those questions in worship. We will also say goodbye to some dear friends with a reception after worship. Come join us for Sunday School too! It is at 9:15, with plenty of coffee and donuts for everyone. I can’t wait to see you!

READ: John 14:1-11, Isaiah 52:13-15, Isaiah 53:1-6

READ the MESSAGE:  Why is Jesus the Way, the Truth, and the Life?



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