6/3/18 – Jesus: The Good Shepherd

What is the best news you have experienced recently? School’s out? Your vacation has begun? You lost weight this week instead of gained? There’s a passage of Scripture that contains the very best news ever! Better than any other news. It is like a royal wedding and you catch the bouquet! It is like the glass slipper that only fits you! Except this good news is extended to many people.

Join us Sunday as Jesus talks about the truths closest to his (and God’s!) heart. Take a look inside his mind. See the love and be the recipient. We will celebrate communion in the worship service at 10:30. Sunday School for all ages begins at 9:15. Lemonade on the Lawn follows everything. Join us. I can’t wait to see you!

READ:  John 10:1-18 and Psalm 23

READ the MESSAGE:  Jesus: The Good Shepherd


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