6/26/22 – Hopping Over Hurdles with an Attitude of Gratitude

This Sunday, June 26, come out to hear a great message from Guest Speaker, Blake Lindsay! Blake is the Manager of Outreach and Communications with Envision Dallas, and has been totally blind since infancy, but he has not let his blindness hold him back. He is also a well-known voice talent on Top Texas, Kansas, and Indiana radio stations, manages his own production company, and has authored two books: Out of Sight Living: A Sightless Person with Pure Vision, and Blind for a Purpose – Turning Life Challenges into Purpose in Life. Sunday, he will be speaking from personal experience on overcoming obstacles.

Blake Lindsay is a friend of Steve and Marna Bayless, who invited him to speak. We hope you will come out and support him!

As always, we invite you to join us for Sunday School for all ages at 9:15 AM followed by Morning Worship at 10:30 AM. After worship, join us for snacks on the patio.


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