6/23/24 – For the Planting of Flowers

Sunday is just a few days away! It’s the first Sunday of summer, and Pastor Rachael will be preaching on “For the Planting of Flowers”. We hope you’ll join us to celebrate God’s work among the flowers and His work in our lives as well! Sunday School is at 9:15 AM and the Worship Service is at 10:30 AM.

Coming soon:
July 4th is just over a week away! We’re going to need volunteers to help with the parade in the morning (adults who will walk beside the float and kids who will play cajon while sitting on the float) and in the evening to help with serving hot dogs and giving out water bottles. We also need donations of water bottles, hot dogs, buns, and condiments!

Sandwiches are due on Monday, June 24 at 6:45 PM.
Choir rehearses this Wednesday, June 26 as usual.
Session meets on Thursday, June 27 at 7 PM.


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