6/23/19 – Be Strong in God’s Love During Opposition

Living into God’s promises seems like a great idea. We all want to experience God’s blessings. But what about when we are moving forward in faith and everything that could possibly go wrong–does! What then? Lucky for us, people in the Bible experienced exactly that. They have much to say about what they did to stay the course during opposition.

Do you have a situation right now that you could use a little infusion of faith? How about a little more of God’s love to lift you up? That’s the subject matter for Sunday worship. We begin with Sunday School at 9:15 for all ages and stages. Coffee and donuts included! Worship begins at 10:30. Afterwards, join us for a reception in the Fellowship Hall for Anna Murphy. I can’t wait to see you!

READ: Romans 8:31-39 and Isaiah 50:7-11

READ the MESSAGE:  Be Strong in God’s Love During Opposition



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