6/20/21 – Adopted into the Father’s Love

As a father, it is easy for us to love the ones inside our house, but what about those outside of the household? On Father’s Day we talk about how the father loves his wife, kids, and parents, but what about the step child, a kid who lives down the street, or the one needing a father figure?

How does a father build that connection? How can a father love a child as if he or she was his own? If you’ve got questions, we’ve got answers!

Join us Sunday as we look at Acts 9:1-9 and discuss, “Becoming Adopted into the Father’s Love”.

Sunday school for all ages has resumed at 9:15 AM in the education building, followed by worship at 10:30 AM in the sanctuary. Our worship service will also be streamed at www.fpcd.org/live-stream. We can’t wait to see you there!


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