6/16/2024 – Against the Kingdom of Death

Death haunts our world and colors all our interactions. Because of death, no relationship is truly forever, and every day we are struck by the tragedies of our world. But this is not the end of the story! In her sermon this Sunday, Pastor Rachael will be preaching on “A Liturgy Against the Kingdom of Death”, from Every Moment Holy by Douglas McKelvey. Join us at 9:15 AM for Sunday School for All Ages and at 10:30 AM for the Worship Service. We’ll also be honoring fathers this Father’s Day and we’ll have a catered lunch after the service!

Coming up this week:
-The Member Care Team is meeting this Monday, June 17 at 7 PM
-Sandwiches are due next Monday, June 24 at 6:45 PM
-We’re collecting water bottle donations to give away on the 4th of July! Bring your donations to the church office by June 25th.


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