6/11/23 – “How to Hear From God”

Have you ever asked or wondered about the voice of God? “How do I know God is speaking to me?” or “How can I tell that it’s God speaking?” You are not alone. It is a common question among believers and those seeking a closer relationship and understanding of God and his presence.

Join us this Sunday, June 11, 2023 to learn 3 truths about how God speaks to us. Pastor Jeff Thorpe will bring us a message to help us gain a better understanding of how to hear God’s voice.

It’s also 2nd Sunday, Youth Sunday! Bring the kiddos in your life to church. This week we have a children’s music special utilizing hand bells! We have a vibrant program for our youngest church goers. We are excited for all they are learning and experiencing in the church. Thank you goes out to all volunteers and parents for making sure they’re involved!

Sounds like we have a great morning of learning & proclaiming the Good News, singing & praying together as a community. Don’t miss out – join us for Worship, Sunday at 10:30 AM!

Also, remember we offer Sunday School. It’s available for all ages in the Fellowship Hall 9:15 AM each Sunday and all are welcome to attend! Encourage others to join in on this small group activity each week.

See you in Worship!

– Nyadia


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