5/7/23 – Without All the Answers

This Sunday, join us for Sunday School, for all ages, at 9:15 AM, in the education building. At 10:30 AM, join us for worship and to hear a message called “Without All the Answers” on 1 Peter 2:2-10 and John 14:1-14 from Guest Minister, Rev. Dr. Julie Adkins. Dr. Adkins also led our service on Palm Sunday, and brought a wonderful message. We are looking forward to having her back! She will also lead us in Communion. Parents, please bring your kids for Sunday School and for Worship! Linda Simons is leading our Children’s Message and always has great things planned.

After worship, stick around for the PW Annual Plant & Bake Sale! Buy a treat and some plants for yourself AND for your mom! After all, Mother’s Day is only a week away.

Have a blessed weekend!



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