5/21/23 – Don’t Run from Trouble

On Sunday, let’s gather to hear the Word proclaimed by Pastor Jeff Thorpe. The message titled, “Don’t Run from Trouble” comes from 1 Peter 4:12-19. In today’s turbulent climate, the world desperately needs unashamed believers willing to shine their light on Christ. How should we as Christians move and function in such troubling times? There is a solution and you won’t want to miss it! Come and let’s hear what Pastor Jeff has for us this week at our 10:30 Worship Service.

We also have a special moment planned for our graduates! We will honor our members who are graduating from pre-K all the way up to our collegiate students. All are invited to join us for a potluck meal in the Fellowship Hall following the Worship Service. If you are able, please bring a covered dish to share.

This Saturday, the Men’s Fellowship is meeting for breakfast and a study on Prayer in the Fellowship Hall from 9-10:30 AM.  

Also, we have Sunday School Classes at 9:15 AM every Sunday morning. There’s a class for every age group! 

Be Blessed, 



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