5/20/18 – Going to Court

Sunday is PENTECOST. Imagine what it was like for the disciples to experience these words from Jesus: It is good that I go away because then I will send the Helper (see John 14-15 for the discourse). Then, to their horror, Jesus suffered the crucifixion. But to their great surprise Jesus was raised from the dead! He walked the earth for forty days, talking and being seen by many before he ascended to heaven. Before ascending, He ordered the disciples to stay in Jerusalem until they received the power of the Holy Spirit. That happened on the 50th day after Jesus resurrection. PENTECOST. Scripture comes true. So if it came true, then other parts of Scripture will come true.

A SPECIAL GUEST preaches about Psalm 50, a word from God about judgment. It is a prophecy. God’s world will be judged because God loves us and wants us to experience His good.  We are moving in direction of FULFILLMENT. Join us for this study. Afterwards, enjoy a POTLUCK. I can’t wait to see you!

READ: Psalm 50 and Romans 12:1-3


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