It’s been fifty days since Easter–and that means it’s time for Pentecost! Pentecost celebrates the day, fifty days after Jesus rose from the dead, when the Holy Spirit fell upon the gathered believers. Now, we celebrate the Holy Spirit and who He is and how He works in our lives, and we celebrate the birthday of the church! As we celebrate the Holy Spirit, we’re also having our prayer service, and Rev. Rachael McConnell will be preaching about Intercession.
It’s also our potluck, and we can’t wait for this opportunity to share a meal together and create a time of fellowship and coming together as the body of Christ. Join us! 9:15 AM for Sunday School for all ages and 10:30 AM for the Worship Service.

Coming up this week:
– The Member Care Team meets on Monday, May 20 at 7 PM.
– Session meets on Thursday, May 23 at 7 PM.
– Monday, May 27 is Memorial Day! Sandwiches will still be due by 6:45 PM but the office will be closed.


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