4/7/2024 – “Here’s My Heart”

Rev. Rachael McConnell wraps up her Lenten series this week with the final installation, “Here’s My Heart.” While the finale of Lent is usually considered to be Easter, the next Sunday is called the second Sunday of Easter, or Low Sunday. In her sermon, Rev. Rachael will be talking about what happened in Peter’s life after Jesus’ resurrection, from John 21:1-19. Join us to continue the celebration of what Jesus has done in Peter’s life and is doing in ours! Sunday School is at 9:15 AM and the Worship Service is at 10:30. We’ll also be celebrating communion.

– The Sarah Women’s Circle meets on second Tuesdays at 7 PM. Contact Sharon for more details.
– The Men’s Fellowship meets on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month at 9 AM; however, they will not be meeting on the 6th and will resume on the 20th.
– Choir resumes on April 17.


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