4/26/20 – Weekend Happenings at FPCD

Saturday morning, all MEN are invited to Men’s Ministry Bible Study by ZOOM at 9:00 a.m. Click this link to join:

Saturday evening at 5:30 PM, Prayer Night takes place at 5:30 PM on Zoom. Here is the link: https://zoom.us/j/4089208841?pwd=TGUvL0R5OC9HM21vY mdPd01IRmUzUT09

Sunday at the 10:30 ONLINE Worship Service PREACHER JEFF THORPE leads us in a study of how the Christian is supposed to relate to other people. Did you know that God has expectations for your relationships with others? Christians are to engage with all kinds of people–and do it well. It’s an interesting study. JOIN US! A quartet from the FPCD choir sings one of the songs from TGIF: a Good Friday Event (don’t forget to watch it on this website and be blessed!) BRITTANY HAYWOOD accompanies on Sunday. Pastor Ginger shares a TESTIMONY. JOIN US for a joyful time of praise.

READ:  1 Corinthians 9:19-23 and Exodus 19:3-8


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