4/24/22 – Believing is Seeing

How is your faith? Are you ready to move mountains? Are you bold in confidence when change happens in your life? The disciples experienced a huge tragedy when Jesus died, so much so that their faith was damaged almost beyond repair. Yet still, they lived to change the world. How did they do it? What did they learn about faith? Join us Sunday to hear Rev. Jim Witherow preach on overcoming doubt, even in the worst circumstances. 

Sunday School classes happen this week at 9:15 for all ages, and there are always donuts! Bring your kids and let them experience learning about the riches of knowing Jesus. Experience vibrant worship under the direction of Nyadia Thorpe at 10:30. We can’t wait to see you!

READ:  John 20:19-31 and Psalm 118:14-29 


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